Spring has arrived! It’s the perfect opportunity to repot your indoor potted plants as it aligns with their natural growth cycle. When plants enter their active growth phase, they can adapt more easily to new containers and soil, fostering healthier growth. The spring time also has milder temperatures, which minimizes stress on your indoor potted plants from extreme weather conditions and temperatures.

Repotting your indoor potted plants can be a challenging task, as you’ll want to ensure your plant is repotted safely to help it thrive in its new home. We asked our potted plant expert from HortyGirl Living Decor on how to repot your indoor potted plants without stressing them out. Keep reading to learn more.

Check For Signs Before Repotting Your Indoor Potted Plant

While spring is the ideal time for repotting, not all plants need to be repotted. Prior to repotting your indoor potted plant, check your plant for signs that indicate it’s time to repot.

If your indoor potted plant has outgrown the current container or when the soil lacks nutrients, you’ll want to repot your plant. Some of the signs that show your plant needs to be repotted include roots growing out of the drainage holes, roots circling around the pot, or the plant becoming top-heavy and unstable.

Selecting the pot size from the How to Repot Your Indoor Potted Plants blog

Select Pot Size to Repot Your Indoor Potted Plant

When choosing a new pot to repot your indoor potted plant, several factors come into play. The first item to consider is the size of the pot. You’ll want to choose a pot size that provides ample space for the plant’s roots to grow. A general rule is to opt for a pot that is 1-2 inches larger in diameter than the current one. Ensure the pot has proper drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

The material of the pot matters as well. Terracotta pots are typically more porous and allow for more air circulation, while plastic pots retain moisture better. Additionally, when selecting a new pot, you may also want to consider the aesthetic appeal of the pot and how it complements your living decor.

Prepare Your Indoor Potted Plant For Repotting

Preparing your indoor potted plant for repotting is essential to ensure a smooth transition and to minimize the stress on the plant. Begin by watering your indoor potted plant a day before repotting to hydrate the roots and to facilitate easier removal of the plant from the current pot. This can help prevent root damage during the transplanting process.

Next, take a look at your indoor potted plant and trim any dead or damaged foliage. You’ll also want to inspect the roots for signs of disease or overcrowding.

Remove Your Indoor Potted Plant For Repotting 

When it comes to removing your indoor plant from its pot, a gentle approach is key to reducing the stress on the plant. Begin by gently tapping the sides of the pot to loosen the soil and roots.

Then, carefully tilt the pot to the side, supporting the plant at its base with one hand while using the other hand to guide the plant out of the pot. Carefully separate the root ball from the soil.

If the plant is stubborn, you can gently squeeze the sides of the pot or use a trowel to loosen the soil further. Be cautious not to damage the roots during this process, as they are crucial for the plant’s health and growth.

Inspect The Roots Of Your Indoor Potted Plant

Once your indoor potted plant is free, inspect the roots for any signs of overcrowding or damage before proceeding with repotting. If you notice any damaged or diseased roots, trim them using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears. You’ll want to make clean cuts to remove any dead or unhealthy sections and ensure that you leave behind only healthy roots.

Positioning the plant from the How to Repot Your Indoor Potted Plants blog

Add Soil And Position Plant To Repot Your Indoor Potted Plant 

You’ll want to choose a high-quality potting soil mix appropriate for your plant’s needs, ensuring it is well-draining and nutrient-rich. Check with your local nursery on the best soil. Before adding fresh soil, it’s also a good idea to place a layer of gravel or small rocks at the bottom of the new pot to aid in drainage.

Next, fill the pot halfway with fresh soil, creating a firm but loose foundation for the plant. Carefully position your indoor potted plant in the center of the pot, making sure it sits at the same depth as it did in the previous container. Once the plant is in place, gently fill in the remaining space around the roots with additional soil, patting it down lightly to remove air pockets.

Finally, water the plant thoroughly to help settle the soil and initiate the repotting process. You’ll also want to allow the excess water to drain away.

Monitor Your Indoor Potted Plant After Repotting

After repotting your indoor potted plant, it’s important to monitor its condition to ensure a successful transition. Keep an eye on the plant’s soil moisture  by checking the soil regularly with a wood or bamboo skewer, and aim to maintain consistent moisture without overwatering.

You’ll also want to place the plant in a shaded area for a few days to minimize stress from direct sunlight. Additionally, avoid fertilizing immediately after repotting to prevent further stress on the plant’s roots.

Issues After Repotting Your Indoor Potted Plant 

After repotting your indoor potted plant, be vigilant for any signs of stress such as wilting, yellowing leaves, or stunted growth, which could indicate issues with the new environment or root damage. If there are any issues, address them promptly.

Wilting or Yellowing Leaves After Repotting Your Indoor Potted Plant

If you notice any wilting or yellowing of leaves on your indoor potted plant after repotting, ensure the plant is receiving adequate light, as insufficient light can lead to leaf discoloration. If the plant appears stressed, consider placing it in a more shaded area temporarily to reduce stress.

Additionally, check the soil moisture, aiming for consistent but not excessive watering, as overwatering or underwatering can cause leaf issues. You could also try assessing the drainage of the new pot and check if there is any waterlogging, which can contribute to root rot and leaf problems.

Stunted Growth After Repotting Your Indoor Potted Plant

To address stunted growth after repotting, start by ensuring the plant has adequate sunlight, as insufficient light can hinder growth. Move the plant temporarily to an area with more light.

Improper watering can also stunt growth. Check the soil moisture with a wood or bamboo skewer to see if the soil is too dry or waterlogged. Also consider the pot size. If the pot size is too large, the plant may focus on root growth rather than foliage.

If any issues persist, consult a gardening expert at your local nursery for further assistance in diagnosing and treating the problem.

Finishing Up

By following the steps above, you’ll ensure your indoor potted plant is repotted with minimal stress, setting your plant up for optimal health and growth in its new home. With the right pot size, soil selection, and care, your indoor potted plants will thrive in their new pot and you’ll get to keep enjoying your HortyGirl Living Decor indoor potted plant for years to come.

If you’ve recently purchased a HortyGirl Living Decor indoor potted plant from your local retailer or received our plant as a gift from a loved one, there’s no need for immediate repotting. Only consider repotting if your plant displays signs of needing it. If you are looking for additional plant care during the springtime, read our top spring plant care tips blog.

For general plant care tips, look on the HortyGirl tag that came with the plant and find the plant name. Next, look up the plant name and find plant care tips on our blog.